Webinars on phase 2 results 14 and 15 Dec 2021

Tuesday 07 Dec 21

IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting, notionally the largest discussion club for renewable power forecasts world-wide, concludes its three-year work programme this December with two webinars on the progress during the last three years.

The first webinar on Tuesday, December 14, 1400 UTC (2100 Beijing, 1500 Copenhagen, 1000 New York) will contain two general talks on forecasting and forecast selection guidelines:

Gregor Giebel, Operating Agent IEA Wind Task Forecasting: An overview of Phase 2 results, and an outlook to the next phase

John Zack, UL Renewables and WP2 co-lead: Version 2 of the IEA Recommended Practice on Renewable Power Forecast Selection, including the new part on the requirements for real time measurements


The second webinar on Wednesday, December 15, 1400 UTC will concentrate on probabilistic forecasting:

Jie Yan, NCEPU: The origins of uncertainty in renewable power forecasts and their propagation through the modelling chain

Corinna Möhrlen, WEPROG, WP3 lead: How do humans make good decisions based on probabilistic forecasts? Results from forecast games


The webinars will take place on the Zoom platform (mail me for the link), and will be recorded for the IEA Wind Forecasting YouTube channel.


Please distribute this invite to colleagues. If you are not yet on the notifications or collaboration mailing lists, but want to be, drop me a mail. Teaser: the next phase of the Task will be much broader under the title of “Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy System”.



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14 DECEMBER 2024