Workpackage 3 - Optimal Use of Forecasting Solutions

In this work package (WP3) we will survey the current state of use of forecasting solutions by the power systems sector and develop general recommendations for:

  1. How to select the right methodology for a given forecasting task
  2. The value and application of probabilistic forecasting solutions in the real-time environments
  3. Requirements of measurement data for grid codes in real-time forecasting

The objective of this wok package is to engage both actors of the wind industry and the research communities to identify how current and emerging capabilities to determine forecast methodologies that can be used to address the variety of decision-support needs of the industry. 

More details on the three tasks can be found in the respective task page in the menu to the left. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the WP leaders Dr. Corinna Möhrlen and Dr. Ricardo Bessa or task leaders (right side), if you would like to get more information or are interested in contributing with your expertise to any of the undertaking efforts.


Corinna Möhrlen
WEPROG, Weather and Energy Prognoses


Ricardo Bessa
INESC TEC, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science


Georges Kariniotakis